International Projects

From 2016 to 2018 our faculty has an ERASMUS+ project with partners in Belarus and Russia for the first time. It serves further cooperation development through exchange of professors, students and administrative staff.

Since 2015 our faculty has been developing a double degree program in English named Master Industrial Management with the Belarussian State University (BSU) in Minsk. This project JOIN IM is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and its pilot phase is set till 2018. The respective double-degree agreement was signed in May of 2016.

Since the academic year 2016/17 German students can go to Minsk for one semester to participate in this pilot project JOIN IM.

We have contacts with the Belarussian State Economic University (BSEU) in Minsk, which also encourages students to study in Mittweida. 

In 2015 we developed ties with partner universities in Belarus and Ukraine due to the project "Mittweida meets Eastern Europe".

Hochschule Mittweida offers PhD programs in cooperation with the Technical University of Gabrovo (Bulgaria). Graduates of our faculty can benefit from this offer as well.